To Live by Faith

To Live by Faith By Fr. Dominic Rover, O.P. To live by faith is to live peacefully, prayerfully, hopefully, hopelessly, outside myself. At peace with myself yet outside myself. Not leaning on myself, old rubber-legs, but leaning on God Who stands up straight and begs us, almost, to lean on Him, God with His daily gift of hard rocks and white flowers. To live by faith is to live outside myself. To live by faith is to be at home and yet a stranger in my own house. It is to be sure about God yet unsure about everything that is not grounded in God yet sure about everything because everything can be grounded in God. To live by faith is to stop justifying myself to stop frowning to stop whimpering like a cropped poodle on Pablum To live by faith is to stop wondering why things don’t turn out right. To live by faith is to stop talking –– when talk is fear or frenzy or a giddy cover-up, when talk is all about setting things right, my way. Dear God, to stop talking! To live by faith is to be si...