For Not Learning

Tell the bison not to go
where they have always been,
instruct the elephants to read
and yield their ancient memories
of where the water is.
Force wolves and bears to learn
the boundaries that have never been-
the ink that lies unseeable
between this tree, that blade of grass.
Teach them all to read the maps
that are invisible. Make them know
what is not real, does not exist
to moon or stars, and stubborn as they are
kill them for not learning
what we will not share.
© February 3, 2010 Carol Snyder Halberstadt
where they have always been,
instruct the elephants to read
and yield their ancient memories
of where the water is.
Force wolves and bears to learn
the boundaries that have never been-
the ink that lies unseeable
between this tree, that blade of grass.
Teach them all to read the maps
that are invisible. Make them know
what is not real, does not exist
to moon or stars, and stubborn as they are
kill them for not learning
what we will not share.
© February 3, 2010 Carol Snyder Halberstadt