Intellectual Superiority?

In my humble opinion, (and since this is my blog, I will share it) , education, degrees, and years of indoctrination in institutes of higher learning do not make one in any way superior to the masses of people who have not been afforded this opportunity.
Thinking too much, living up in their heads, and not integrating all they have learned with their actions, intellectual snobs and highly intelligent elitists storm through the world, dismissing anyone who does not hold their world views, leaving abandoned hearts and cold misunderstandings in their wake.
While I value and respect the huge resources of knowledge from those who have gone before me, I keep coming back to this: "People don't care what you know, unless they know that you care."

The greatest of the gifts we are given is not our giant brain or "superior" intelligence, but our giant hearts and superior actions toward ALL our brothers and sisters... even the ones with whom we may not always agree.

Cruel and cold behavior will show itself, no matter what words we write, no matter how we present ourselves to the world in print. It is our actions, our capacity for loving forgiveness and kindness, our ability to bear patiently the sometimes misguided actions of friends, and love them anyway. It is to come down from our pedestal of "rightness" and listen with the ear of our heart.


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